K–2nd Grades

Spend a summer of discovery at your favorite neighborhood camp! Our K-2 campers’ daily schedule is geared around exploration and play. They will try all of our enrichment activities on a rotating basis, going to each class multiple times a week. They’ll develop skills through new activities that they might not have tried before, giving them the opportunity to sample everything CBE Kids Camp has to offer.

We also give our campers ample time to simply play. During these child-led periods of exploration, children will foster curiosity, build social skills, and make new connections.

Sample Daily Schedule:

8:30-9:00 AM Arrival and Community Meeting

9:05-10:45 AM Nature (in Prospect Park)

10:50-11:35 AM Sports (in Prospect Park)

11:40 AM-12:25 PM STEM or Creative Arts Activities

1:20-2:05 PM Swim (instructional and free swim in our indoor pool)

2:10-2:55 PM  STEM or Creative Arts

3:05-3:35 PM Group Time – Planned activities involving the group staff and campers

3:40-4:00 PM Snack and Pickup