Eric Adams Stays the Night in CBE Shelter
Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams, spent a night in the CBE shelter. Here’s what he had to say on Instagram about his experience and commitment to homelessness awareness:
@bpericadams: As part of my declaring June as #Brooklyn’s #Homelessness Awareness Month, I spent a night volunteering at @CAMBAInc’s Respite Shelter Bed program operating inside @CBEBK in #ParkSlope. Spending the evening with guys like Johnny was beyond impactful. These are not strangers, these are our #neighbors. I deeply appreciated the opportunity to speak with these men and learn from their experiences, which will guide me as I expand our community response to our borough’s #homeless crisis. More people need to know about and appreciate the great work houses of worship like Congregation Beth Elohim are doing with the respite bed shelter program; I hope to see participation expand throughout New York City.