15+ Jewish Orgs Plan Civil Disobedience in Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC – On Wednesday, January 17, Rabbi Rachel Timoner joined Bend the Arc Jewish Action, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, the Anti-Defamation League, and other clergy, leaders, and grassroots volunteers from across the Jewish community in a historic act of Jewish civil disobedience.
More than 100 participants occupied the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill to demand that congress include a clean DREAM Act in the government funding bill.
The protest coincided with the Sabbath reading of Exodus, which describes the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart against Moses’s demand to, “let my people go.”
Jews from many organizations refused to be moved as they demanded that Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, “let my people STAY.”
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Beginning at 10:30 AM – until forcibly removed
Jewish civil disobedience in the tradition of Exodus.
This protest was an escalation of Bend the Arc Jewish Action’s ongoing efforts to protect DREAMers and defend immigrants, including organizing thousands of phone calls from Jewish constituents to their members of Congress.
Washinton, DC
Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda
Bend the Arc Jewish Action
Members of Congress (invited)
15+ Jewish Organizations
Clergy, leaders, and volunteers from across the Jewish community
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Union for Reform Judaism
Carolina Jews for Justice
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
Jewish Community Action
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish Multiracial Network
Jews United for Justice
National Council of Jewish Women
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College/Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
Torat Chayim
Uri L’Tzedek
Photo Credits: Bend the Arc facebook.com/jewishaction.us