CBE Book Group: 1974 by Francine Prose

Congregation Beth Elohim 274 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, NY

The CBE Book Group will meet over Zoom to discuss 1974 with author Francine Prose.  All are welcome. A full description of the book can be found under CBE Book Group here.

Recurring Event Modern Jewish Movements

Modern Jewish Movements

Congregation Beth Elohim 274 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, NY

There’s an old adage that for every two Jews, there are three opinions — but there is real truth to this contention, particularly in the modern era. In this course we’ll survey  major Jewish movements such as Hassidism, Haskalah, Wissenschaft, Bundism, the various Zionisms, and religious denominations, unpacking primary sources to explore each in its […]

Wisdom of the Ages through the Megillot (and Jonah)

Congregation Beth Elohim 274 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, NY

This class is designed to explore the wisdom of the five megillot and the Book of Jonah with particular attention to how they might help us to consider key questions about what it means to grow older. Each session will focus on a specific book and will be organized around a big question that connects […]