“Art Extravaganza is a class where we explore art, and the connection between our body and our imagination. It’s a place where playfulness and art-making are working together.”-Tom Pnini, Teacher

Our ECC’s Art Extravaganza is an opportunity for your child to fully immerse themselves in the process of creating art.

ECC teacher and multimedia artist Tom Pnini converts one of the classrooms into the Cardboard Studio, lining the room with cardboard wall to wall, and floor to ceiling. The whole point is to allow the kids to use their full creative potential, enabling them to explore art more in depth and work on larger scale ideas. Every week is different than the last. Kids learn how to interact with the space in so many different ways and let their inner artist shine through.

Classes and Dates
Sunday Classes Term 1 (open to public)

September: 22,29

October: 6,13,20,27

November: 3,10,17, 24

Register for Sunday Classes Term 1