Fourth Annual Great Hanukkah Sing-Along with Debbie Brukman and Friends

Sun 12/15 | 3 p.m. | Sanctuary

Our Youth and Family Great Hanukkah Sing-Along returns for the fourth year running!
From “Five Little Latkes” to “I Have A Little Dreidel,” we’ll be singing all of our Hanukkah favorites. We will light the Hanukkah candles and observe Havdalah together and enjoy some sufganiyot.

A Playground of Light—A Sensory-Sensitive Hanukkah Celebration

Sun 12/15 | 3 p.m. | Rotunda

This Playground of Light event is specifically for children with special needs, disabilities, and sensory sensitivities. The activities, and the space in which they’re held, will be thoughtfully designed with this population of children in mind, and all ages are welcome to join us as we explore light! Note: In order for us to be as intentional as possible for this event, we are asking families to please RSVP here. We’ll end with our own candle lighting at approximately 4:40 p.m.

We encourage you to pass this along to anyone else you think might be interested in participating, members of CBE and non-members alike.

Urgent: Winter Gear and Toiletries Drive for Immigrant Families

Sat 11/30 – Sun 12/15

Many recently arrived asylum-seekers and immigrants in NYC are in great need of winter gear, diapers, and toiletries. Some of these families are living in shelters nearby, and some are living in neighboring communities; all of them can use a lot of love this season! CBE’s Yachad Program, ECC, and Refugee Task Force are mobilizing around this need to collect gloves, hats, socks, diapers, baby formula, and more until 12/15, and you and your family can help! Details here.